Croony Walker

In the rarified pantheon of folks who’ve broken through their boundaries, a plucky geezer called Croony Walker is prominent. First emerging to the fore after going beyond paddy fields and lending his presence to scrub and grassland landscapes, he then shrugged off the oblique reference in his species name to a device used in a…

Dr Ashley Crown’s Credo

Dr. Ashley Crown isn’t among those who wear a crown of thorns lightly, and nor is he one of those who wear a crown of thorns heavily. In fact he doesn’t wear a crown of thorns at all but certainly sits on a perch of them. One would, in all one’s wisdom and experience, think…

Bill Spatula in Shangri La

He has a pony tail but is not a stallion. He carries on his very person a kitchen utensil but is not a chef. He has long legs but is not a model, so who in the golly name is he, then?   Well, this Punk Rocker, as I’ve introduced earlier in another post, was,…

A Candle to Keanu

So here is the bottle-brush-tailed queer-call-making generously-sized vivid rodent in a rare uncluttered moment, enticed to condescend to the lower branches by a succulent clump of fruit.   Otherwise in his true element he is a tenant of the high canopy, carrying his brush everywhere like a house maid on a cleaning spree, mostly busy…

Chief Displacement Officer

  The portrait of the Chief Displacement Officer perched before setting off on the duty of flushing out all the eagles, harriers and suchlike raptors in his area and occupying their perches in a symbolic act of retributive comeuppance. Being a close disciple of Murphy, he deems fit to present himself to perform this social…

Bill Shady

  Bill Shady is a ‘grey area’ for the photographer who pursues him. He hoists himself up the farthest canopy of the tallest trees, and because he’s active when the light is harsh, he loves to rest in shade, thus demanding from the camera a dynamic range twice that of the human eye. He has…

The Dark Side of Sandy Piper

  Sandy Piper, to my knowledge, is unrelated to the Pied Piper, although she too has the power to attract a great following. But more than her leadership, it is her changeableness that she counts as her inherent strength at job interviews. By default she is built to moderate proportions, but on frosty mornings she…

Seeing Stephanie Owletti

Stephanie Owletti is not a creature of the crepuscule. Not for her these six-to-six shifts those bleached egrets serve so diligently. Her strident calls cut through the night chill as she shuttles from one open post to another, emitting a “keech keech keech” when most other avian brethren are getting their forty winks cosied up…